Welcome to the magical world of Drax, the enchanting green dragon who will capture hearts with his spellbinding presence. With his exquisite details, super-soft fabric and pale green color, our charismatic dragon is a true symbol of beauty and wonder.
Why we love:
– Dragons are magical, enchanting and popular!
– Dragon in our Marshmallow Zoo collection is top seller
– Lots of details like sparkly wings, embroidered trim, different textures
– Tons of tags for exploring
Our darling dragon blanket features 16 TAGGIES ribbons and a pale seafoam green satin lining
– 13×13″
Welcome to the magical world of Drax, the enchanting green dragon who will capture hearts with his spellbinding presence. With his exquisite details, super-soft fabric and pale green color, our charismatic dragon is a true symbol of beauty and wonder.
Why we love:
– Dragons are magical, enchanting and popular!
– Dragon in our Marshmallow Zoo collection is top seller
– Lots of details like sparkly wings, embroidered trim, different textures
– Tons of tags for exploring
Our darling dragon blanket features 16 TAGGIES ribbons and a pale seafoam green satin lining
– 13×13″